Monday, March 23, 2009

Fish fish the family dish

so the saying goes..

G came home after a day and a bit on a boat with a very good haul. This biggy Dylan's holding weighed in at 2kgs!

We gave a lot away, froze some, ate some - fillets simply fried (dipped in milk and flour first) on the BBQ; and a friend smoked some for us - delicious!

Lucky us, there's some good fishing to be had here in the Kaipara.


Liz said...

Dylan looks very pleased with himself Bridget. Clever little man he is. Also you can try lemon pepper with breadcrumbs. Do the usual flour etc then roll the fish into the breadcrumbs and lemon pepper and fry in the pan. Delicious!

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

That sounds nice with the lemon pepper and crumbs, will try it sometime. Also just bought a deep fryer so going to give battered fish a go sometime.
Hope you're enjoying this fine weather.