Monday, November 3, 2008

Update in the vege garden

We put in another 50 strawberry plants on the weekend. Two varieties - Camarosa and Gladiator. We already had about 50 plants (the above varieties, plus one called Pajaro) and these have been fruiting for a week or so and are delicious, but with 3 of us munching them at the rate of knots there won't be enough to make jam or any nice desserts (flan or ice cream is what I have in mind).

Today I've sown some corn seed, Honey n Pearl and Florida Supersweet. Also some watermelon 'Rapid Red' and some crown pumpkins. The crown pumpkins kept very well out of all of the ones we grew last season. Also beans - 'Shiny Fardenlosa', 'America' and 'Market Wonder'.

Had to resort to buying some tomato plants this year as my seedlings just didn't sprout and time is marching on. It has been so cold, I really need a greenhouse/potting shed to get them going early as there's no room indoors. No show also for my eggplant and chilli seedlings, I will try again and hope we get a long hot summer. I particularly want chillies as I like making Thai chilli sauce, in addition to adding to all the curries etc.


Liz said...

Gosh you have been so busy!!!! I love the bread you made. I only ever made bread by hand once and it was awful - so bad it went flat in the oven and it bounced!!! Lovely photos of the flowers too. Have you ever tried marinating Kahawhai in lemon juice vinegar coconut cream - you don't cook it just soak it for 24 hours and have raw fish. It is wonderful.

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Yes have been a bit busy. The bread was good, I will do it again, but it is a bit time consuming. I still use the bread maker although with varied success! Thanks for the tip about the raw fish, no I haven't tried it, will give it a go, sounds delicious!